Coach Jason was born and raised in the Philippines. He started playing volleyball in 3rd grade and continued to do so throughout high school playing both varsity basketball and varsity volleyball. At the age of 19 he emigrated with his mother and father to the U.S.
Coach Jason began pursuing a volleyball coaching career by volunteering to coach 10-12 year olds at a local YMCA. From there he ventured to Vanden High School to coach the freshman team. Additionally, he assisted the 18-2 team for Xceleration Volleyball Club, and assisted the 15-1 team for Five Starz Volleyball Club. He then became the Junior Varsity Head Coach for Davis Senior High School for two years, assisted for the Davis Senior High School Varsity team for two years, and was the Head Coach of the Boys Volleyball team for Davis Senior High School.
Coach Jason had the honor and privilege to learn from Mike Wall (U.S. Men's National Team Assistant Coach), Brent Crouch (USC Women's Volleyball Head Coach), and Chris McGown (former BYU Men's Volleyball Head Coach) when he attended a Gold Medal Squared Coaching Clinic in UC Bakersfield.
Coach Jason's passion for volleyball extends beyond coaching, as he continues to stay involved in the volleyball community by regularly playing in grass doubles and beach tournaments. Furthermore, coaching volleyball has inspired coach Jason to go back to school and acquire an associate degree in Kinesiology, which he is hoping to turn into a bachelor's degree someday. Coach Jason hopes to inspire his players to focus on team work, discipline, and a great work ethic.
Coach Jason started Sand Devils Beach Volleyball Club during the summer of 2018 to provide and introduce beach volleyball to athletes in yolo/solano county area.
"It’s easier to take your outdoor skills in to the gym than to bring your indoor skills outside. Simple reason . Beach volleyball forces you to have all the skills . That’s why I think it’s a good idea for indoor players to play on the beach . . . . Learning those skills can only help improve a player’s in door performance. All my years playing on the beach as a kid certainly helped my indoor game. If nothing else, a player’s quickness and jump will be increased by playing on soft sand."
~Karch Kiraly~

Beach Volleyball RULES
● LONG COURT - The ball may touch the net while crossing the net, except during the service.
● LONG COURT - A serve that touches the net is a fault.
● SHORT COURT - The ball may touch the net while crossing the net during the serve.
● While blocking, a player may touch the ball beyond the net, provided they do not interfere with the opponent’s play, before or during the attack-hit. ● A player is permitted to pass his/her hand(s) beyond the net after an attack-hit, provided that the contact was made within his/her team’s playing space. ● Within the limits of the three-team contacts, a player may contact a ball that has crossed the net below the net (or outside the posts) in an attempt to recover a ball that has not been contacted by the opponents. The recovered ball must cross the net below the net (or outside the posts).
● Players may partially or completely cross the center line below the net or outside the poles, either before, during or after a legal play of the ball, provided that this does not interfere with the opponent’s play. Incidental contact with an opponent is ignored, unless such contact interferes with the opponent's opportunity to play the ball. While opposing players are not required to avoid the ball or the player, they cannot intentionally interfere with any legal attempt to play the ball on their court. ● If a player crosses the centerline and interferes with an opponent during the continuation of a play, it is a fault.
It is a fault for a player to net when their momentum causes them to touch the net, even after the ball hits the ground. (This is considered continuation of play). Exceptions are: ● Incidental contact of the net by a player’s hair ● If a player’s hat, visor, or glasses fall off during play and then contacts the net ● When a ball is driven into the net and causes the net to touch a player, no fault is committed. Once a player has contacted the ball, the player may touch the posts, ropes or any other object outside the total length of the net, provided that it does not interfere with play.
Coaching is not permitted during a game or match. Coaching is allowed between games and during time outs.
Matches may either consist of a single game, or best 2 out of 3 games. A team wins a match by winning one or two games, respectively.
● One game match: 15 points, win by 2, 17 point cap, OR 11 points, win by 2, 13 point cap. ● 1st or 2nd game in 2 out of 3: 11 points, win by 2, 13 point cap. ● Deciding game in 2 out of 3: 7 points, win by 1, 7-6 wins. ● The Tournament Director may change game points or caps.
SHORT COURT Rally scoring:
● 2 out of 3 – The first two games are to 21. Win by 2 ● (If a third game is needed, it is to 15 only. Win by 2) ● OR one game to 28. Win by 2. ● Tournament Director may change games, points, or caps as needed
Court switches are team exchanges of playing courts which occur at specified times during a game:
● 15-point games, when the total number of points is a multiple of five.
● 11-point games, when the total number of points is a multiple of four.
● 7-point games, when the total number of points is a multiple of two.
● 21 – Point games, when the total number of points is a multiple of seven.
● 28-point games, when the total number of points is a multiple of seven.
● A player may touch the ball with any part of the body.
● A player may have successive contacts with a hard driven ball.
● The ball must be contacted cleanly and not held (including lifted, pushed, caught, carried or thrown). The ball can not roll or come to rest on any part of a player’s body.
● An exception is allowed during the defensive play of a hard-driven ball, which is an attack-hit or blocked ball traveling at a high rate of speed (as judged by the referee). In that case, the ball may be momentarily lifted or pushed, providing that the attempt is one continuous motion.
● A contact of the ball with two hands, using the fingers to direct the ball, is a set. A player may set the ball in any direction towards his/her team’s court, provided that the ball is contacted simultaneously by both hands and does not visibly come to rest.
● Rotation of the ball after the set may indicate a held ball or multiple contacts during the set, but in itself is not a fault.
● A legal set directed towards a teammate that unintentionally crosses the net is not a fault.
● If the ball is intentionally set into the opponent’s court, the player must contact the ball above his/her shoulders and must direct the ball perpendicular to the direction his/her shoulders are facing.
● When contacting the ball with one hand, it must be cleanly hit with the heel or palm of the hand (a “roll shot”), with straight, locked fingertips (a “cobra”), knurled fingers (a “camel toe”) or the back of the hand from the wrist to the knuckles. One-handed placement or redirection of the ball with the fingers (a “dink” or “open hand tip”) is a fault.
● It is a double hit fault while playing the ball (other than a hard driven ball), to have it also hit the hat being worn.